Digital Advertising Specifications

Please submit creative specs one week prior to run date to [email protected]. Click on an advertising type below to jump to the specs on this page.

Website Specs

Email Specs

Other Specs

Banner Ads
Directory Listing
Sponsored Article
Newsletter Ads
Product Spotlight
Featured Content Alert
Featured Content Alert Multi-Format Placement Specs
Custom Email Message
Digital Magazine/Ebook Sponsor
Premium Digital Magazine Sponsor with Bonus Distribution
Custom Ebook
Social Media
Writing Services



Welcome Banner
Home Page and Run-of-site (ROS)

  • 640 x 480 (px)
  • File Size: 100K or less.
  • Preferred file formats: JPG, GIF, PNG, or HTML5
  • URL

Featured Product
Your product ad will be featured on the home page, news & product pages, and applicable portal pages.

  • Image: 500x313 pixel image (formats: GIF, JPG, or PNG)
  • Preview text: 120 characters (including spaces)
  • Headline: 30 characters (including spaces)
  • Full description of product (unlimited length, take up space for an entire webpage)
  • Call-to-action (Learn More, etc).
  • URL

Top Leaderboard
Home Page and Run-of-Site (ROS)

  • 728 x 90 (px) or 970 x 90 (px)
  • File Size: 100K or less.
  • Preferred file formats: JPG, GIF, PNG, or HTML5
  • URL
  • Note: Please also send a 320x50 sized banner for mobile capability (if possible, not required).

Top Boombox
Boombox 1, 2, or 3

Home Page and Run-of-Site (ROS)

  • 300 x 250 (px)
  • File Size: 100K or less.
  • Preferred file formats: JPG, GIF, PNG, or HTML5
  • URL

Wide Skyscraper
Home Page and Run-of-Site (ROS)

  • 300 x 600 px banner
  • File Size: 100K or less.
  • Preferred file formats: JPG, GIF, PNG, or HTML5
  • URL

Newsletter Ad Specs

Automation Insights Newsletter
InTech Plus Newsletter
Topical Newsletter

Sole-Sponsor – 2 ad placements and 1 article (optional)
Two ads with the following:
  • Sponsored By: {specify exact name of company to list here}
  • Image: 500x313 pixels (Image Formats: .jpg, .gif, or.png. No animated .gif files please)
  • Headline: 50 characters (including spaces)
  • Body Text: 250 characters (including spaces)
  • Call-to-action Text (Learn more, Get more information, etc).
  • URL (MUST be less than 200 characters, and cannot include the characters # or %)
Optional content to be featured: 
  • Submit a Word document containing a bylined, nonpromotional, thought-leader-type article that is 400 to 1,000 words long.
  • For the byline, provide author’s name, title, company and company URL.
  • A sentence about what the company specializes in also can be included.
  • Include at least one image, attached to the email as a separate file. Image size: 500x313 pixels. Image formats: .jpg, .gif, or.png. Images for articles cannot include headlines, URLs or other text.

Spotlight Specs

Enhanced Sponsorship (with lead generation)
Standard Sponsorship (with lead generation)
Resource Sponsorship (without lead generation)
  • Sponsored By: {specify exact name of company to list here}
  • Image: 500x313 pixels (Image Formats: .jpg, .gif, or.png. No animated .gif files please)
  • Headline: 50 characters (including spaces)
  • Body Text: 150 characters (including spaces)
  • Call-to-action Text (Learn more, Get more information, etc).
  • URL (MUST be less than 200 characters, and cannot include the characters # or %)

Featured Content Alert Specs

White Paper or Article Alert
Note: You will receive lead information on the subscribers that have clicked on your white paper or article. Contact information will be based on the information we have already captured in our subscriber database. Leads will be emailed to you in an Excel spreadsheet from Cathi Merritt, [email protected]
  • White Paper or Article: PDF or link to an online asset
  • Image: 500x313 pixels (Image Formats: .jpg, .gif, or.png. No animated .gif files please)
  • Title: 50 characters (including spaces)
  • Author
  • Preview description: 300 characters (including spaces)
  • URL (MUST be less than 200 characters, and cannot include the characters # or %)
Video Alert
Note: You will receive lead information on the subscribers that have clicked on your video. Contact information will be based on the information we have already captured in our subscriber database. Leads will be emailed to you in an Excel spreadsheet from Cathi Merritt, [email protected]
  • Video: Video file (Formats: AVI, MOV, WMV, MP4, or FLV) OR link to video in YouTube
  • Image: 500x313 pixels (Image Formats: .jpg, .gif, or.png. No animated .gif files please)
  • Title of video: 50 characters (including spaces)
  • Preview description: 300 characters (including spaces
  • URL (MUST be less than 200 characters, and cannot include the characters # or %)

Featured Content Alert Multi-Format Placement Specs

This premium package combines 3 content formats. Specs for each submission follow:
  • Your bylined feature article will be delivered in an emailed Content Alert
  • Posting of your bylined feature article on
  • Social posts on’s Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter pages.
Submitted, Bylined Feature Article
  • Submit a Word document containing a bylined, non-promotional, thought-leader-type article that is 400 to 1,000 words long.
  • For the byline, provide author’s name, title, company and company URL. A short company description may be included.
  • Include at least one image in multiple sizes, attached to the email as separate files. 2 Image sizes required: 500x313 pixels and 1200x628 pixels. Image formats: .jpg, .gif, or.png. Images for articles cannot include headlines, URLs or other text.
  • You MAY include hyperlinks within the article, photo captions and/or an author headshot.

Custom Email Message Specs

Custom e-Message (List Rental)
Distribution list options: Global, North America, US only, or custom (for an additional fee).
  • HTML File: Please provide your email message in an .HTML formatted file. Any images contained in the HTML file should be hosted (and referenced) on your own web site. Be sure to "validate" your HTML file to check for HTML coding errors.
    • Instead of creating your own email message, you may select an email template to effectively promote your valuable content or event
  • Text Only File: Also send a text only file for those subscribers receiving text-only messages.
  • Subject line
  • Email Address for test send. Please provide all the e-mail addresses to receive the test message. We will send a test message prior to scheduled delivery date for approval.

Digital Magazine/Ebook Sponsor

Article Specs
  • Submit a non-promotional technical white paper or article that is approximately 700-1,500 words (if over, we will automatically cut down to fit this range). Articles will also be edited to fit our style and format. You will be sent a proof for review prior to publication.
  • Please submit your article in a Word document format. URL links to outside resources may be included in the article
  • Some special edition ebooks, like our Annual Trends ebook, allow space for thought leader columns. Submit approximately 700 words about the topic (e.g., trends in the industry, smart manufacturing, etc.). 
  • Include any images as separate .jpeg, .png or .tiff files and in a high-resolution format. 
  • Also submit a high-resolution logo  (logo will be featured on a white background)
  • Captions to accompany your article images
  • Please include information about the author of your article:
    • High resolution headshot photo (preferably 300 dpi) 
    • 350-character description/bio about author and his or her company 
    • Preferred top-level or deep-link URL for the company
    • Please include the author's email address or LinkedIn profile URL.
Full Page Ad Specs
  • Ad size will be the same as a traditional full-page print ad: 8.5 x 11 inches in portrait layout  
  • PDF - preferred format; press quality (meaning to convert all art to CMYK,  Embed all fonts, Flatten all transparencies) 
    • Other formats accepted: 
      • High-resolution (300 pixels¬per-inch) .TIF or .JPG file 
      • Adobe® Illustrator® .EPS or .Al file with the fonts converted to outlines 
  • Art should be submitted at 100% actual size (no trim or bleeds necessary) 
  • Ad can include click-through links (recommended)  
  •  Also submit a high-resolution logo 
Half Page Ad Specs
  • Ad size will be the same as a traditional full-page print ad: 8.5 x 5.5 inches in portrait layout 
  • PDF - preferred format; press quality (convert all art to CMYK, embed all fonts, flatten all transparencies) 
    • Other formats accepted:  
      • High-resolution (300 pixels-per-inch) .TIF or .JPG file 
      • Adobe Illustrator .EPS or .Al file with the fonts converted to outlines
  • Art should be submitted at 100% actual size (no trim or bleeds necessary) 
  • Ad can include click-through links (recommended)  
  •  Also submit a high-resolution logo 

Premium Digital Magazine Sponsor with Bonus Distribution

This Premium package adapts the same source material to four different digital channels/placements starting with an article.
  • Your bylined featured article and ad will be included in the Digital Magazine
  • Your bylined feature article will be delivered in an emailed Content Alert
  • Posting of your bylined feature article on
  • Social posts on’s Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter pages.
Specs for each submission follow:
Article Specs for Digital Magazine
  • Submit a non-promotional technical white paper or article that is approximately 700-1,500 words (if over, we will automatically cut down to fit this range). Articles will also be edited to fit our style and format. You will be sent a proof for review prior to publication.
  • Please submit your article in a Word document format. URL links to outside resources may be included in the article
  • Include at least one image in multiple sizes, attached to the email as separate files. 2 Image sizes required: 500x313 pixels and 1200x628 pixels. Image formats: .jpg, .gif, or.png. Images for articles cannot include headlines, URLs or other text.format. 
  • Also submit a high-resolution logo  (logo will be featured on a white background)
  • Captions to accompany your article images
  • Please include information about the author of your article:
    • High resolution headshot photo (preferably 300 dpi) 
    • 350-character description/bio about author and his or her company 
    • Preferred top-level or deep-link URL for the company
    • Please include the author's email address or LinkedIn profile URL.
Full Page Ad Specs for Digital Magazine
  • Ad size will be the same as a traditional full-page print ad: 8.5 x 11 inches in portrait layout  
  • PDF - preferred format; press quality (meaning to convert all art to CMYK,  Embed all fonts, Flatten all transparencies) 
    • Other formats accepted: 
      • High-resolution (300 pixels¬per-inch) .TIF or .JPG file 
      • Adobe® Illustrator® .EPS or .Al file with the fonts converted to outlines 
  • Art should be submitted at 100% actual size (no trim or bleeds necessary) 
  • Ad can include click-through links (recommended)  
  •  Also submit a high-resolution logo 
Article Published in a Content Alert, on, and on our Social Media Channels
  • Following publication of the article in the digital magazine, we will publish your article in an upcoming Content Alert email, on's home page, news and relevant topic portal pages, and on our social media channels.

Directory Listing Specs

Directory Listing Options:
  • Web-Enabled Listing
  • Web-enabled listing + Company Portal upgrade
  • Featured Company
  • To set up a Directory Listing on, click here.

Sponsored Article (with or without lead generation) – will be published in a premium position on
  • Submit a Word document containing a bylined, non-promotional, thought-leader-type article that is 400 to 1,000 words long.
  • For the byline, provide author’s name, title, company and company URL.
  • A sentence about what the company specializes in also can be included.
  • Include at least one image, attached to the email as a separate file. Image size: 500x313 pixels. Image formats: .jpg, .gif, or.png. Images for articles cannot include headlines, URLs or other text.

Social Media Specs

Social Media
We will publish your content on our Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn pages.
  • Image size: 1200 pixels wide x 628 pixels tall (72 PPI)
  • Text copy Note: A Twitter post allows for a maximum of 280 characters, including the URL. Please include a shorter text description for Twitter, if text copy + URL is over 280 characters.
  • URL Tip: shorten URLs with Bitly or TinyURL work best – we can shorten the URL on your behalf, if needed.

Webinar Specs

Webinar Registration Page:
Due 4-6 weeks prior to webinar
  • Webinar title
  • Webinar start time (include the time zone). Duration will be 1 hour, saving the last 10-20 minutes for a live Q&A session.
  • Webinar description (150 words is a good guideline)
  • Speaker name(s), job title, organization
  • Email addresses for all webinar speakers (and other individuals) to be set up in the webinar platform
  • 100x100 pixel image of speaker(s)
  • Speaker bio (50 words) -OR- link to LinkedIn profile
  • Company Logo
  • Registration page contact fields (options: first/last name, email, address, city, state, zip, country, phone, organization, job title, industry, purchasing time frame, role in purchase process, no. of employees, questions/comments or a custom question)
  • Optional: 200x200 graphics to include on the registration page
Note: Included with your webinar purchase, we will send 3 email promotions to our full global list promoting your live webinar.
Practice Session:
1 week prior to webinar
  • Schedule practice session for all participants (1 hour)
    • We recommend presenter to run the presentation off of their own computer during live webinar. A quick run through of the webinar is high recommended during the practice session.
    • Note: Do not embedded videos within PowerPoint presentation (the audience will be unable to hear the audio). If using a video, please send the mp4 video file OR link to video in YouTube to be set up in the webinar platform.
Additional info
Due 3-4 days prior to webinar
  • Any during-webinar poll questions, handouts, or videos
  • Seed questions (just in case the attendees are slow to ask questions at the end)
  • Copy of your presentation (to be used as a back-up; presenter will run presentation off his/her own computer)
Post webinar
  • Immediately following the webinar, we will schedule a quick 15 minute meeting to evaluate the webinar
  • Registration (lead) report will be emailed to you within 24 hours of webinar. You will also receive a transcript of webinar and a copy of the recording.
  • Within two weeks following the webinar, we will promote the webinar recording to our global email subscribers. Leads will be captured using the same registration form from live webinar. Post webinar leads will be sent one month after webinar.

Writing Services

Adapted Short Article or Blog Post

Non-promotional technical white papers, recorded webinars, blog posts, customer case histories and other existing client resources can be repurposed or combined into articles ranging from 500 to 800 words each.
Original Feature Article or White Paper Based on phone or email interviews with client subject matter experts and additional online material, staff will write an article that is approximately 1,800-2,200 words long. Process includes client reviews and up to 2 revisions/rewrites.

Custom Ebook Specs

Sole-Sponsor eBook Cost: $15,000
Lead time: 6-8 weeks Custom Ebooks are an effective content marketing asset and they are great for generating leads for sponsors. A custom Ebook includes 3-4 articles on a specific theme, one of which can be an original article written by the editorial staff, with the balance being existing sponsor content repurposed or adapted by our editors. With this package the length of the eBook including one or two full-page sponsor ads will be a maximum length of 30 pages. Additional articles and pages can be added for an additional cost, and will be quoted based on scope.

The team will design, produce and distribute the ebook PDF, and provide full contact information for all subscribers that download it. The PDF will be posted on as a resource and promoted to our database of subscribers. A high-resolution PDF also will be provided to the sponsor for their own posting and distribution.  This package includes promotion of two Ebook Alerts sent to 130,000 subscribers. This level of promotion typically generates an average of 800+ leads.  Additional promotions can be included and will be quoted based on scope.
Content specifics, Repurposed article(s) from Sponsor The sponsor is to provide 2-3 non-promotional technical white papers, blog posts, customer case histories and other existing resources that can be repurposed or combined into articles of 800 to 2,200 words each. Additional content can be contributed by the Sponsor for an additional cost and will be quoted based on scope.

Another great source of content are webinars.  Our editors can write an article based on a previously recorded webinar for an additional cost and will be quoted based on scope.
Content specifics, Original article written by editors:  Based on phone or email interviews with client subject matter experts and additional online material, staff will write an article that is approximately 1,800-2,200 words long. Generation of this original article includes client reviews and up to 2 revisions/rewrites. One of these articles is included in this package price. Additional articles written by editors are priced at $2,000 per article.
Design considerations Ebook designs usually have vertical (portrait) orientation and can follow any client-provided design guidelines. Please provide a design template or samples if you have a specific design idea in mind. Article images should be provided by the sponsor; Automation will use stock art if no photos are supplied. Depending on article lengths, ebooks can have more than 4 articles but the length of the overall PDF should not exceed 30 pages. Additional articles and pages can be added for an additional cost, and will be quoted based on scope.
  • Includes company logo + URL
  • All articles should have a named author byline and include a 350-character description/bio about author and (optional) high resolution headshot photo (preferably 300 dpi). Original articles can carry an writer’s byline or be ghostwritten to appear to be by another author.
Examples Here are links to sample ebooks we’ve created: for Beamex , for PTC and for Honeywell.

Here is an eBook we did for CISCO a few years ago: Advancing Automation: Cybersecurity in Industrial Environments