FDT Group Certifies First FDT 3.0 DTM From Flowserve Corporation

  • February 20, 2024
  • FDT Group
  • News
FDT Group Certifies First FDT 3.0 DTM From Flowserve Corporation
FDT Group Certifies First FDT 3.0 DTM From Flowserve Corporation

Feb. 20, 2024 - Heverlee, Belgium - FDT Group, an international, non-profit industry association supporting the evolution of FDT technology for industrial device management, has announced certification of its first Device Specific DTM based on the latest FDT 3.0 standard supporting the HART protocol from Flowserve Corporation. The newest certified Logix 3820 Series DTM is deployable using their positioners supporting HART 6 / 7, tackling flow control challenges designed for modern IIoT architectures.

FDT DTM certification to the FDT 3.0 specification and webUI is a process whereby rigorous compliance testing using dtmINSPECTOR5 ensures the viability of the states of the DTM; its correct installation, de-installation and multi-user environment capability; mandatory and optional user interface functionality and robustness; network scanning communication performance and the ability to import and export the topology; and the audit trail capability.

“Flowserve is proud to be the first vendor to offer a software-based webUI DTM based on FDT 3.0," says Manjunath Atchutanna, global digital technology manager at Flowserve Corporation. “The industry is transformative with flow control applications designated as critical control. Our new DTM meets modern use case challenges that extend standardized device management for valve control to mobile solutions and other higher-level applications using OPC UA, enabling service-oriented maintenance scenarios.”

FDT 3.0 DTMs are crucial to unlocking universal device integration with essential advantages such as platform independence, mobility solutions and a contemporary development environment to reduce costs and expedite the DTM certification process. Users can use secure and seamless data exchange/interrogation from the sensor to the cloud and achieve new levels of information technology (IT) and operational technology (OT) integration.

“This certification is a milestone in market penetration and technology development,” said Steve Biegacki, FDT Group managing director. “Flowserve has always been a leader in flow control using DTM technology and now offers the first flow control management DTM standardized for IIoT architectures based on FDT 3.0 for HART applications. HART users can deploy this new DTM and reap the benefits by using an FDT 3.0-based device management tool, such as PACTware 6.1, and can enjoy an IT/OT data-centric model by deploying an FDT Server, extending the data reach to mobile applications and the enterprise.”

About FDT Group AISBL

The FDT Group AISBL is an international non-profit corporation consisting of leading worldwide member companies active in industrial automation and manufacturing. The major purpose of the FDT Group is to provide an open standard for enterprise-wide network and asset integration, innovating the way automation architectures connect and communicate sensor to cloud for the process, hybrid and factory automation markets. The FDT standard is globally adopted by IEC 62453, ISA 103 and GB-T 29618-2017 with millions of Device Type Managers (DTMs) in use. FDT Technology benefits both manufacturers and end users, with advancements such as the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and Industrie 4.0 delivered out-of-the-box – enabling modernized asset integration and access to performance data for visualizing crucial operational problems. Around the world, end users, manufacturers, universities and research organizations are working together to develop the technology; provide development tools, support and training; coordinate field trials and demonstrations; and enable product interoperability.

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