ISA Now Accepting Applications for Industrial Automation and Control Scholarships

  • January 13, 2023
  • ISA
  • News
ISA Now Accepting Applications for Industrial Automation and Control Scholarships
ISA Now Accepting Applications for Industrial Automation and Control Scholarships

Do you or someone you know have outstanding potential in fields related to instrumentation, systems and automation? College or university students who demonstrate notable potential for long-range contribution to these fields are encouraged to apply for a scholarship through ISA—International Society of Automation. Applications will be accepted through Feb. 28, 2023. 
ISA Educational Foundation Scholarships awards support tuition and related expenses and research activities and initiatives. ISA awards scholarships from both the Educational Foundation Scholarship fund and funds provided through endowments of generous gifts from supporters. Amounts awarded vary.

Scholarship award categories

Educational Foundation Scholarship
Recipients of awards are full-time college or university students in either a 2-year, 3 or 4-year Undergraduate or Graduate (Masters) program with at least a passing average (“C”). Students should be enrolled in a program in automation and control or a closely related field.

ISA Executive Board Scholarship
These funds were provided by past and present members of ISA's Executive Board. Preference is given to applicants with demonstrated leadership capabilities. Award amount varies.
Scholarship funds are provided by families or groups in honor of specific people. The Scholarship Committee, a part of the ISA Educational Foundation, reviews all submittals to the Foundation and identifies scholarship recipients. These named awards are among the funds distributed through the Scholarship Committee: 

  • Norman E. and Mary-Belle Huston Scholarship: Funds provided by the family of Norman E. Huston. Dr. Huston was a professor at the University of Wisconsin and President of ISA in 1979.
  • Bob and Mary Ives Scholarship: Funds provided by Executive Board action in honor of Robert P. Ives, President of ISA in 2003.
  • Paros-Digiquartz Endowment: Paros-Digiquartz has donated funds to be distributed at the rate of $2,000 each year for ten years beginning in 2007.
  • Daris and Gerald Wilbanks Endowment: Provided by the ISA Birmingham Section, in honor of Gerald Wilbanks, President of ISA in 1995, and an active leader and volunteer of the Birmingham Section.
  • Richard E. "Dick" Morley Innovation Endowment: To honor Dick Morley, whose breakthroughs in research and development blazed a pathway for ongoing discoveries and innovations in automation and control, computer design, artificial intelligence and factories of the future. This Endowment will be used to fund scholarships for meritoriously selected students pursuing degrees at accredited colleges and universities, preferably in technical fields related to instrumentation, systems and automation. 

 A list of the 2022 Award Recipients is available. For more information including how to apply, visit this website.

Learn How to Apply

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