ISA Reinforces Critical Nature of Automation in Achieving Global Energy Goals in New Position Paper

  • February 19, 2024
  • ISA
  • News
ISA Reinforces Critical Nature of Automation in Achieving Global Energy Goals in New Position Paper
ISA Reinforces Critical Nature of Automation in Achieving Global Energy Goals in New Position Paper

Feb. 15, 2024 - Durham, North Carolina - The International Society of Automation (ISA)–the leading professional society for automation–has announced the publication of a new position paper, “Automation is Critical to Achieving Global Energy Goals.”
In this paper, ISA explains the many ways automation can support energy supply and efficiency. Safe and efficient execution of energy production, storage and transmission require the use of proven automation technologies implemented by knowledgeable and skilled automation professionals. The following automation-based approaches are essential:

  • Smart grid technologies incorporating digital communication and control technologies to optimize energy production and distribution, monitor grid conditions in real time and accommodate variable renewable energy inputs
  • Demand-response programs adjusting electricity consumption based on supply conditions, helping to manage peak demand and reduce strain on power grids
  • Recognizing and following industry standards that facilitate interoperability and enhance safety throughout power grids
  • Adopting industrial automation and control systems cybersecurity standards and conformity assessment programs to protect energy production, storage and transmission system

 “When it comes to achieving global energy goals and a sustainable future, automation is simply imperative,” said Claire Fallon, ISA executive director. “Also imperative is the support of energy reduction programs in which automation plays a large role, and the development of more training courses to properly prepare those wanting to go into the automation field. Knowledge is power, and accessibility to such knowledge should be as attainable as possible. ISA is proud to contribute by providing education and certificate programs for automation professionals, as well as developing standards and providing networking opportunities, all with the goal of advancing global energy goals and a sustainable future.”
Energy production that is efficient, sustainable and safe depends upon automation technologies and people working together to bring the most creative and innovative solutions to bear. In the paper, ISA asserts that energy producers and policymakers alike should be focused on preparing our workforce to meet the need for engineers and technicians who are well versed in the industry standards and conformance programs that support the automation field.
“We need to encourage the adoption of automation technologies and techniques to help meet the growing global demands for reliable and secure energy sources,” said Steve Mustard, past ISA president. “We also need to recognize the part that automation can play in the development other sources of energy and the ways to produce, store, and transmit these sources.”
The position paper is now available on the ISA website. Visit to read other recent Society position papers on sustainability, workforce, and more.

About ISA

The International Society of Automation (ISA) is a non-profit professional association founded in 1945 to create a better world through automation. ISA’s mission is to empower the global automation community through standards and knowledge sharing. ISA develops widely used global standards and conformity assessment programs; certifies professionals; provides education and training; publishes books and technical articles; hosts conferences and exhibits; and provides networking and career development programs for its members and customers around the world.

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