Product & Supplier Directory

  • September 14, 2023
Product & Supplier Directory
Product & Supplier Directory

Choose from Three Levels of Exposure

Engineers, technicians, and operations staff have been turning to ISA’s Directory of Automation for years.’s online version provides global access and three levels of participation for product and services suppliers. 

Advertising Opportunities

Annual Rates

Web-Enabled Listing

730 USD

  • Full-color logo
  • Company description
  • Links to website and email
  • Placement in an unlimited number of product categories
  • Listing appears above free listings

Company Portal Upgrade

940 USD

  • Your own portal featuring your news, product announcements, articles, and other content that we have published on
  • ​Preferred editorial treatment of your materials elsewhere on our website

Featured Company Upgrade

3,355 USD

Includes Company Portal Upgrade above, plus:

  • Your ad appears at the top of the directory main page, at the top of all search results, and throughout the directory
  • Full-color company logo or graphic
  • 250-word company description


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Ad Material Specs

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