Webinar: Defending Against The 3 Biggest Cyber Threats

  • April 02, 2019
  • Schneider Electric
  • Webinar

Defending Against The 3 Biggest Cyber Threats

with Automation.com and Schneider Electric

If the best defense is a good offense, then today's industries in WWW, F & B, and MMM could do more.  This webinar features an expert panel discussion of how to tackle three of the biggest risks that threaten industry today. We will discuss real-world situations and examples of how to combat the threats of:

• Malware, including Ransomware
• Phishing/Social Engineering
• Man in the Middle Attacks

Our team of experts will share their insights and stories that illustrate the risks and opportunities to consider and implement solutions that link the needs of both security and safety to both protect and enable business profitability.


This webinarwas featured as part of Cyber Summit ’19: Cybersecurity in a Digital World. The Schneider Electric Cybersecurity Virtual Academy hosted this unique one-day virtual event on April 3, 2019, where industry experts will focus discussions around current cybersecurity issues and concerns. I


Webinar: Defending Against The 3 Biggest Cyber Threats

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