White Papers

White Paper: Wireless Deployment Challenges in Construction - A 5G Strategy

  • White Paper

This whitepaper explores deploying wireless communication networks within construction projects and introduces a comparison approach to assess deployment difficulty at each project phase.

White Paper: Building Industrial IoT Systems in 2024

  • White Paper

The survey data provides insights into the trends in technology, processes and politics of IIoT implementation.

White Paper: 10 Areas Manufacturers Might See an Impact from AI

  • White Paper

John Davis, CTO at Global Shop Solutions, discusses 10 areas Artificial Intelligence (AI) could make an impact for manufacturers.

2023 Industrial Automation Professional Salary Survey

  • White Paper

Automation.com, a subsidiary of International Society of Automation (ISA), surveyed automation professionals from around the world about their 2022 gross salaries.

White Paper: Zscaler ThreatLabz 2023 Enterprise IoT and OT Threat Report

  • White Paper

As IoT devices become more common in industrial and enterprise settings, the risk from IoT-specific malware is increasing dramatically. Cybersecurity leader Zscaler has released a research report that tracks these risks and highlights trends in the IoT malware landscape.

White Paper: Leveraging the Potential of MQTT in Industry 4.0

  • White Paper

In this white paper, Sparkplug and OPC UA are compared as MQTT-based solutions according to the requirements of the Industry 4.0 scenarios Plug & Work and Condition Monitoring.

White Paper: Choosing the Right Logic Solver for Safety Instrumented Systems

  • White Paper

This white paper offers guidance for safety instrumented system professionals, helping you make informed decisions when selecting a logic solver that suits your safety requirements.

White Paper: Machine Vision Streamlines Supply Chains

  • White Paper

Technology advances make vision systems more flexible and effective, enabling faster and more accurate manufacturing, packaging and distribution.

Position Paper: Achieving Sustainability Goals with Automation

  • White Paper

Automation has a significant role to play in achieving sustainability goals–offering new ways to accelerate environmental, social and governance (ESG) activities across manufacturing, industry and beyond.

White Paper: Managing Your Energy in a New Way

  • White Paper

This white paper examines commercial energy use, specifically in buildings. Energy is the largest operating expense in commercial buildings, requiring approximately one-third of the operating budget.